Customer service

  • Shipping & delivery.
  • Privacy & security.
  • Returns & replacements.
  • Ordering.
  • Payment, pricing & promotions.
  • Viewing orders.
  • Updating account information.
  • Pre-applied coating disclaimer.
  • Engineering services product disclaimer.

    Shipping & delivery
    Shipping and delivery requirements should be specified while filling out a quote with your project manager. As we are very focused on customer service, we offer either a co-ordination of your own courier service or one provided by Belmatic.

    Privacy & security
    The utmost provision is given to our customer’s personal, private and company information under our privacy agreement. Confidentiality agreements are provided and compliant with the law.

    Returns & replacements
    As our product is pre-ordered to exact specifications, as well as being tested, we do not accept returns or replacements.

    During once off, or repeat, ordering, please contact your project manager and provide purchase order numbers, shipping or delivery information.

    Payment, pricing & promotions
    Cheque and direct deposit are both acceptable payment methods.

    Viewing orders
    We are in the process of establishing an online ordering system; please speak to your project manager about this progress.

    Updating account information
    Contact reception at head office, +61 03 9459 8097 to update account information.

    Pre-applied coating disclaimer
    The Customer takes full responsibility for any thread-locking adhesives, thread lubricants, thread sealants or anti-friction coating (‘product’) that the Customer has ordered from Belmatic or has been pre-applied by Belmatic in accordance with the Customer’s instructions and the Customer acknowledges that the Customer must not make any claim against Belmatic if the instructions or information supplied by the Customer are inadequate for the intended purpose which leads to the products supplied by Belmatic to the Customer not performing as expected. The Customer further acknowledges that, if the Customer uses the product in an application or in machinery that is faulty, Belmatic is not responsible in such circumstances.

    Engineering services product disclaimer
    The Customer takes full responsibility for any specifications or drawings that the Customer supplies to Belmatic for the manufacture of goods or services by Belmatic for the Customer and the Customer is not to make any claim against Belmatic if the specifications or drawings were in any way inadequate or if the goods manufactured or supplied to the Customer are used in applications or machinery for which the goods are not suitable. For more information, please either request a copy of Belmatic’s full Terms and Conditions of Trade or visit Belmatic’s website where the Terms and Conditions of Trade are posted.